We took Maile to have her pictures taken by Ladonna. They both did such a good job. Maile was having a great time and Ladonna was her own Paparazi. If you look closely to Maile's toes you'll see that they are painted!!! She was asleep when I was painting my toes....so I did her's too! I can't believe how big she is getting, 8 short months ago she was a little blob, now she has sooooo much personality. She is starting to wave her hands, sometimes at the appropriate "Bye Bye Papa", She loves to feed herself ! ( she likes to eat the Gerber Puffs, Banana, Strawberry-Banana and Apple Cinnamon) Maile loves to eat OUR food and definately knows the difference between hers and ours. Maile loves kids! She loves to follow her cousins, with her eyes only now, but knows how to get their attention by yelling. I think that she is probably the loudest baby I have ever heard. But we still love her!
Next week we are off to San Diego for my cousin Tricia's graduation from San Diego State. It will be nice to see our family from Kauai!
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