Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Leigha G.K. Vitz


5 lbs 8 oz

17 1/2 inches

Leigha Grace Kahealani

Leigha was born 01/07/10 at 10:10 pm...That day at about 11 am I was shopping at Walmart for my job...and i started to feel some pains....i thought okay...maybe its just cause i'm walking around WALMART at 37 almost 38 weeks....lets see if i still feel it later....fast forward to 3:30 I'm on a bus run for work...and I am still feeling pains...so i call my drs office and get some lady i don't know asking me if they are every 15 min apart, and if so then to go to the hospital and the nurses will monitor me and call the dr...i told the lady several times, that I don't know if they are even CONTRACTIONS and I'm a SCHEDULED C SECTION and I just want to know if MY dr is the one on call......SEVERAL times i told her this and she REPEATED herself and the whole 15 min and all that jazz....so i said to her....SO your telling me that you aren't going to tell my dr/drs nurse i called and IF they are every 15 min THEN i need to do something about it...and then I think i hung up...don't remember if she gave me a response.....about 10-15 min later...my dr, HIMSELF calls and says..."soooo...whats going on?" and makes it all better....tells me to go to the hospital and they'll call him once they've evaluated me...so that was around 4-4:15..I figure it's false contractions, and i'll finish work (off at 6:30pm) and get Maile to her aunt/uncle's house and have seth meet me at home so we can go to the hospital together..

We get there around 7:30pm they hook me up and I am having contractions, they are about every 5 min apart....so they try to give me some fluids cause i think i might be dehydrated....that slows them down to 10 min....so they call the doctor and he says it's time, we'll go ahead with the c section. He is there within 30 min and we are getting prepped and ready and in the OR by like 9:45 and Leigha was born at 10:10. Amazing how FAST everything happened...Maile was a Scheduled C Section so we had time to prepare and I had a nice shower before..had my hair and makeup ready for my after pictures....I was so exhausted after Leigha was born I think I might have cat napped while they were closing me back up!! (They said that was alright...i was a little nervous that something was wrong with me, but they said that it was normal) Since she was a little thing they did take her to the Nursery to get her cleaned up and checked and poked and prodded and all that good stuff.....but within a little bit they brought her to my room and she has never left our side since!!

Soooooo were BACK!!

It's been FOREVER since a post from us.....as you last saw we were expecting a new addition to our family. We are now a family of 4!! It's amazing and stressful and crazy all at the same time!

and now on to the Marathon of postings!