Monday, April 14, 2008
Maile meets the Easter Bunny!

Our First Easter with Maile. We went to Breakfast at the Fiesta Henderson Buffet. Grandpa Aina went with us and we met Trent, Stacy, Ean and Kahla there. After Breakfast we went to Lake Las Vegas jfor their annual Easter Egg Hunt...next year Maile will be able to participate and get her own eggs. Ean and Kahla were nice to share a few with her.
After the hunt we took some pictures with the family then headed home. It was already a bright sunny and almost HOT day & it was only 11 am.
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Seth and I watched a UFC fight with Charmaine and her friends and family, we helped to support BEATDOWN, her brothers company. We had a great time watching the fight and getting out of the house, actually doing something. Seth's brother Trent came with us. (See him in the background? Ha!)
Since Maile was born we can probably count on one hand the amount of times we've been out by ourselves. A christmas party x2, Mystere (thanks Trent and Stacy), Blue Man Group (Thanks Charmaine) and this event.
Good Bye GG!
Seth's grandmother passed away March 15, 2008. She was a wonderful woman who obviously cared about her family. She will be greatly missed.
I am so glad that she was able to teach me a few of her recipes. Green Beans and potatoes being one of my favorites. I am so grateful that she was able to hold Maile, and that I was able to take pictures of them together so that Maile will be able to know her Great Grandmother.
This picture was from Thanksgiving 2007.

This is my one of my absolute FAVORITE pics of Maile!!!
This was taken around Valentines Day.......just a little behind in blogs....SORRY!!
Maile is keeping me busy! She is starting to crawl....backwards!!!!!!! We try to get her to come towards us and she rocks herself, then pushes herself back with her hands. Hopefully she'll get it soon...actually I hope she dosen't!!! Just kidding.
It is soooooo great to see her actually learning and getting bigger. I can't wait till her next dr's appt, I can't wait to see how long she's gotten and what her actual weight is now. She is taken 7 oz of formula at a time and 2nd 's baby food 2-3 times a day.